written by Christopher Nolan, from the short story by Jonathan Nolan
Leonard: I met Sammy through work. Insurance. I was an investigator. I'd investigate the claims to see which ones were phony. I had to see through people's bullshit. It was useful experience 'cause now it's my life. When i meet someone, I don't know if I've met them before. I have to just look in their eyes and try and figure them out. My job taught me the best way to find out what someone else knew was just to let them talk and watch the eyes and the body language. If someone scratches their nose while they're talking experts tell you it means they're lying. It really means they're nervous. People get nervous for all sorts of reasons. It's all about context...yeah, I was good. Sammy was my first real challenge. I'd just became an investigator when I came across Sammy. Mr. Samuel R. Jankis. Strangest case ever. Now, the guys a 58 year-old, semi-retired accountant. He and his wife had been in this car accident. Nothing too serious. But he's acting funny. He can't get a handle! on whats going on. The doctors find some possible damage to the hippocampus. Nothing conclusive, but Sammy can't remember anything for more than a couple of minutes. Can't work, can't do shit. The medical bills pile up. His wife calls the insurance company, I get sent in. Now, this is my first big claims investigation, so i really check into it. Sammy can think just fine, but he can't make any new memories. He can only remember things for a couple of minutes. He'd watch TV, but anything longer than a copule of minutes was too confusing. He couldn't remember how it began. He liked commercials. They were short...the crazy part was that this guy who couldn't even follow the plot of Green Acres anymore, could do the most complicated things as long as he learned them before the accident, and as long as he kept his mind on what he was doing. Now the doctors assure me that there's a real condition called anterial-grade memory loss, or short term memory loss. It's rare, but legit. ! Everytime I see him, I catch this look, this slight look of recognition. But he says he can't remember me at all...
Kudos and much thanks go to Atthestars for this monologue, it is very much appreciated.