The Evil Dead II
written by Sam Raimi & Scott Spiegel
Professor Raymond Knowby: This is professor Raymond Knowby, Department of Ancient History, Log Entry #2. I believe I have made a significant find in the castle of Kandar. Having journeyed there with my wife Henrietta, my daughter Annie and Associate Professor Ed Getley. It was in the rear chamber of the castle that we stumbled upon something remarkable: Naturum De Monto, the Book of the Dead. My wife and I brought the book to this cabin where I could study it undisturbed. It was here that I began the translations. The book speaks of a spiritual presence. A thing of evil that roams the forests and the dark bowers of man's domain. It is through the recitation of the book's passages that this dark spirit is given license to possess the living. Repeated here are the phonetic pronunciations of those passages. Kanda... Estradta... Mantos.. Bemilas... Nat... Nos Veratos... Kanda...Mantos... Kanda.
Kudos and much thanks go to James for this monologue, it is very much appreciated.